Argo Exploration Limited
Argo Exploration Limited ('Argo') (ASX Code 'AXT') is a junior exploration company searching for IOCG, gold, uranium and base metal deposits in prospective locations of the Gawler Craton, South Australia. Argo is a focused explorer searching for world-class ore deposits within two key project areas, namely Intercept Hill and Toondulya.

2011年5月12日亞洲活動報告:南美鋼鐵公司(ASX:SAY)將收購中國多種礦物勘探權益;Gullewa Limited (ASX:GUL) 準備將昆士蘭煤礦權益上市流通,目前處於最後準備階段;Argo Exploration Limited (ASX:AXT)已在南澳Oak Dam South探礦區開始鑽探;Aquila Resources Limited (ASX:AQA) 宣布開發Hardey鐵礦床的預可行性研究得出良好結果。
2011年5月6日亞洲活動報告:Globe Metals & Mining Limited (ASX:GBE) 已在馬拉維南部的Salambidwe山首次發現稀土和特種金屬礦化;Argo Exploration Limited (ASX:AXT)將在五月中旬開始Oak Dam South 探礦區和Winjabbie East 探礦區的鑽探;Alkane Resources Limited (ASX:ALK) 已擴大新南威爾士中西部的Galwadgere 銅金礦床資源量;Sentosa Mining Limited (ASX:SEO)已在西澳Jaurdi Hills金礦項目開始採樣工作。
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