Ferrum Crescent Limited
Ferrum Crescent Limited (ASX:FCR) is an Australian company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. The Company seeks to capitalise on the future demand for iron and steel worldwide by producing iron products in the Republic of South Africa, for both the domestic and the export markets.

2011年2月24日澳洲股市包括:Viralytics (ASX:VLA) 收到中國頒發的有關使用EVATAK(TM)治療卵巢癌的專利批准通知;Peak Resources Limited (ASX:PEK)報告2010年11月至12月期間在Ngualla中部山區實施反循環鑽探和金剛石鑽探的其餘檢測結果;Ferrum Crescent Limited (ASX:FCR)已開始在南非Moonlight鐵礦石項目鑽探;United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL)公佈山東省第一地礦勘察院投資批准;Gindalbie Metals Limited (ASX:GBG)今天宣布將在兩個月內發運首批西澳Karara鐵礦石項目生產的鐵礦石貨物。
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