Leona Edmiston

One of Australia’s leading fashion designers, Leona Edmiston began in the 1980’s with her first fashion label, Morrissey Edmiston shared with former business partner Peter Morrissey. The Morrissey Edmiston label received significant local and international recognition and dressed a string of celebrity clients including Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue, Elle Macpherson, Michael Hutchence, Helena Christensen, Harry Connick Jr. and Jon Bon Jovi.

Leona launched her solo label with business partner Jeremy Ducker in 2001 and they formed the present company of Ducker Edmiston Pty Ltd. The label, entitled ‘Leona Edmiston,’ is a tribute to the dress in all its incarnations. A Leona Edmiston Frock is elegant, versatile and ageless. 



女性服裝設計師Leona Edmiston繼上海新店開張後又將開設兩家Myer (ASX:MYR)特許經銷店

🕔1/20/2011 6:56:13 PM 10430

(Global Fashion Wire) - 繼去年12月在上海的首個服裝店開張後,澳大利亞頂尖服裝設計師Leona Edmiston又將在Myer(ASX:MYR)開設兩家新的特許經銷店。


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