West African Resources Limited (ASX:WAF) (CVE:WAF) is a gold-copper exploration company dedicated to creating shareholder value through the acquisition, exploration and development of resource projects in Burkina Faso, West Africa.
West African has a landholding of 6,370sq km and 200km of strike length of early Proterozoic Birimian greenstone belts, which are highly prospective for gold mineralisation.
West African Resources Limited
2011年3月21日澳洲股市包括:Shaw River (ASX:SRR)公佈其持股75.5%的納米比亞Otjozondu錳礦項目的初始推斷資源量為680萬噸;West African Resources Limited (ASX:WAF)在布基納法索發現一條重要金礦化帶;Avanco Resources Limited (ASX:AVB)已收購更多礦權地,再次擴大巴西的Rio Verde銅礦項目;Panax Geothermal Limited (ASX:PAX)公佈一份開始印尼勘探的新協議。
2010年12月16日澳洲股市報告包括:Indo Mines (ASX:IDO)將於2011年開始印尼鐵精礦商業試生產;West African Resources Limited (ASX:WAF)報告迄今為止西非布基納法索Boulsa黃金項目的最重要結果;Molopo Energy Limited (ASX:MPO)已鑽得其位於南非的首個已證實的陸地天然氣藏;Aurora Oil & Gas Limited (ASX:AUT) 將籌資1.2億澳元為收購Eagle Ford頁岩項目提供資金。
156,941 公司背景瀏覽
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