Matsa Resources Limited
Matsa is a gold exploration and production company based in Western Australia. The Company's principal assets are extensive mineral leases that contain defined gold resources and various mineral prospects. The principal project is located in the Norseman region located within the southern part of Western Australia's Eastern Goldfields.

2011年3月17日澳洲股市包括:Marmota Energy (ASX:MEU)公佈南澳Western Spur項目重要鐵錳結果;ElDore Mining Corporation Limited (ASX:EDM)已收購羅馬尼亞西部的Baita銅礦的100%股份;Kangaroo Resources Limited (ASX:KRL)與PT Bayan Resources (JAK:BYAN) (PINK:BYRSF)簽訂一份30萬噸煤銷售合同;Matsa Resources Limited (ASX:MAT)已收到來自Dundas磁鐵礦項目高品位結果。
2010年12月2日澳洲股市報告包括:Matsa Resources Limited (ASX:MAT)已收到中科英華高科技股份有限公司(SHA:600110)欲參與開發Matsa在西澳Norseman黃金項目的意向書;Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA)更新芬蘭Kaapelinkulma黃金項目的礦產資源量;UraniumSA Limited (ASX:USA)報告南澳Mullaquana鈾礦項目資源估算量提高;Cloncurry Metals Limited (ASX:CLU)報告瓦努阿圖更多高品位銀銅礦結果。
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