Pacific Bauxite Ltd's (ASX:PBX) projects include Golden camel project, Indicator project, Rogetta project, Miaree Magnetite, Wandoo project, Mt Richardson project, Nendo Nauxite project and Choiseul project. The Golden camel project is located on the Mount Camel Range within the Heathcote Greenstone Belt in North-Central Victoria.
Pacific Bauxite Ltd
2010年11月16日澳洲股市:Mantra (ASX:MRU) 坦桑尼亞資源量增加20%至1.014億磅;CBD Energy Limited (ASX:CBD)已在泰國動工修建太陽能發電廠;Peninsula Minerals Limited (ASX:PEN )已完成Ross項目的另外46個開發鑽孔;Iron Mountain Mining Limited (ASX:IRM)宣布西澳鋁土礦推斷資源量再次增加4420萬噸。
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