Boab Metals Limited (ASX:BML) is a Western Australian based exploration and development company with interests in Australia and South America. In Australia, the Company is currently focused on developing the Sorby Hills Lead-Silver-Zinc Joint Venture Project in WA. Boab owns a 75% interest in the Joint Venture with the remaining 25% (contributing) interest held by Henan Yuguang Gold & Lead Co. Ltd.
Boab Metals Limited
財經視頻:Botswana Metals (ASX:BML)執行主席Pat Volper日前在Investorium.tv向悉尼資本市場發表演講,他介紹了公司在博茨瓦納的基礎金屬和稀有金屬項目的投資機遇。
2011年1月10日澳洲股市:Strzelecki (ASX:STZ)獲得波蘭銅礦勘探牌照;Botswana Metals Limited (ASX:BML)宣布博茨瓦納Botswana探礦區的鑽孔DBRC014的更多實驗室結果;自動提款機公司GRG International Limited (ASX:GRG) 已獲得第一份印度銷售合約;Avalon Minerals Limited (ASX:AVI)正在募資1040萬澳元,為瑞典Viscaria銅和鐵礦石項目提供資金。
2010年11月2日澳洲股市報告包括:Botswana Metals (ASX:BML)在博茨瓦納發現更多銅銀礦化;贊米亞公司(Zamia Metals Limited) (ASX:ZGM)繼續深度金剛石(DD)鑽探,以檢測安東尼鉬礦的縱深延伸範圍;Hill End Gold Limited (ASX:HEG)宣布Hargraves項目的首個JORC資源估算量為234,400盎司黃金;Alcyone Resources Limited (ASX:AYN)報告昆士蘭Twin Hills項目高品位結果。
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