Mukuba Resources Limited

CVE:MKU ISIN:CA5608851054

Mukuba Resources Limited (CVE:MKU) (PINK:MKBAF) is a Canadian mining company focused on the exploration and development of the Northcore Project, which is located in the highly prospective Central African Copperbelt region of Central Zambia. The Northcore Project encompasses approximately 2,274 square kilometres of geologically prospective ground in the Domes Region of the Zambian Copperbelt. Mukuba’s exploration licenses for the Northcore Project cover both copper and cobalt. Geological mapping, soil sampling, investigation of the historical showings, ground-truthing of the geological surveying results and drilling carried out by the Company have confirmed existing historical geological anomalies, identified new anomalies and confirmed the presence of copper mineralization.

Mukuba also has the exclusive option to acquire an 85% interest in the exploration license rights to the Nyimba Project located near the town of Nyimba, approximately 300 km east of Lusaka, Zambia. The Nyimba Project is well advanced and substantial exploration work has been completed to date on its polymetallic deposits which hosts zinc, with copper, lead, molybdenum, silver and gold. Mukuba continues to assess historic exploration records which indicate there are five defined areas of mineralization within the 500 square kilometre license area. The most prospective area appears to be Chipirinyuma, where soil sampling by Minex and Rio Tinto defined a surface anomaly measuring 3.5 km by 1.2 km (4.2 square kilometres). 



Mukuba Resources Limited (CVE:MKU)調遣鑽機,在讚比亞大型硫化物和貴金屬資產上開始鑽探作業

🕔10/27/2010 1:50:50 PM 8445

Mukuba Resources Limited (CVE:MKU)很高興地宣布,公司已向位於贊比亞Lusaka東部的Nyimba項目區內的Chipirinyuma找礦區調遣一台鑽機進行金剛石鑽探作業。


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