Corporacion Aceros Arequipa SA

Corporacion Aceros Arequipa SA (LIN:CORAREC1) is a Peru-based company primarily engaged in the production, distribution and sale of corrugated steel, steel wire rods, bars, boards, pipes, accessories for reinforcement and other steel products used in the construction, metal mechanics, architecture, civil engineering and mining industries. Its products portfolio also comprises a variety of steel tools and hardware articles. The Company’s products are distributed nationwide, as well as exported to Bolivia. The Company’s facilities include steel mills and lamination plants established in Arequipa and Pisco. Through its 99.99%-owned subsidiary Transportes Barcino SA, the Company offers transport services for its products. In addition, it holds a 33.65% interest in Comercial del Acero SA and a 10% stake in Compania Electrica El Platanal SA.  




🕔10/15/2010 2:35:13 PM 20994

拉丁美洲鋼鐵協會(ILAFA)將於2010年24日至26日在布宜諾斯艾利斯舉辦2010拉美鋼鐵大會。大會將在希爾頓大酒店舉行,從早上9點到下午4點,會議期間還包括城市遊覽和景點觀光活動,如參觀Fortabat博物館、Colon劇院以及PROA Foundation等,與會人士也將有機會在Coleccion飯店享用特別的地中海美食。


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