Schmolz and Bickenbach AG

SWF:STLN ISIN:CH0005795668

Schmolz and Bickenbach AG (SWF:STLN) (ETR:SSN) is a Swiss company engaged in the steel sector. It manufactures, processes and distributes special steel long products. The Company divides its activities into three business segments: Production segment manufactures tool steels, high-quality engineering steels, corrosion-, acid- and heat-resistant steels, bright steels and special steels; Processing segment is engaged in production of classical bright steel, provision of complex heat-treatment processes and non-destructive testing methods, manufacture of non-corroding wires and processed fixed lengths for the automobile industry; as well as Distribution and Services segment, which supplies customers with Company’s products through distribution and service companies. 




🕔10/15/2010 2:35:13 PM 20994

拉丁美洲鋼鐵協會(ILAFA)將於2010年24日至26日在布宜諾斯艾利斯舉辦2010拉美鋼鐵大會。大會將在希爾頓大酒店舉行,從早上9點到下午4點,會議期間還包括城市遊覽和景點觀光活動,如參觀Fortabat博物館、Colon劇院以及PROA Foundation等,與會人士也將有機會在Coleccion飯店享用特別的地中海美食。


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