Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited


Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (JSE:HAR) (NYSE:HMY), a world-class gold mining and exploration company, has operations and assets in South Africa and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Harmony, which has more than 60 years’ experience in the industry, is the third largest gold producer in South Africa. Our assets include one open pit mine and several exploration tenements in PNG, as well as 9 underground mines and 1 open pit operation and several surface sources in South Africa. In addition, we own 50% of the significant Golpu project in a joint venture in PNG.

The company's primary stock exchange listing is on the JSE with a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange. The bulk of our shareholders are in South Africa and the United States. Additional information on the company is available on the corporate website, www.harmony.co.za




Kingsrose Mining Limited (ASX:KRM)回購權益金並重組貸款

🕔9/23/2010 1:45:47 PM 7662

Kingsrose Mining Limited (ASX:KRM)欣然宣布與Harmony Gold Mining Co Limited (NYSE:HMY)的全資子公司Aurora Gold Limited(下稱“AGL”)達成了一份協議,撤回並終止AGL獲取權益金的權利,按照1995年權益金協議,AGL有權在KRM持有85%股份的印尼蘇門答臘Way Linggo金礦之金銀生產中獲得1.85%的淨冶煉所得權益金(最高350萬美元)。


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  • Corner Main Reef Road and Ward Avenue
    Randfontein, 1759
    South Africa
  • 電話
  • +27-11-411-2000 
  • 主要部門
  • 材料 
  • 支柱產業
  • 採礦及金屬 
  • 主頁
  • www.harmony.co.za