Nucoal Resources NL
Nucoal Resources NL (ASX:NCR) is an emerging coal producer based in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. The company’s focus is on generating sustainable long term stakeholder wealth through the development of its wholly owned coal asset, Doyles Creek (Hunter Valley, NSW) and through the establishment of a specialised coal centric training facility run in parallel with the operation of the company’s proposed mining operations.

2010年9月14日澳洲股市報告包括:Sundance Resources Limited (ASX:SDL)與中國港灣工程簽訂諒解備忘錄(MOU);New Hope Corporation Limited (ASX:NHC)已經同意收購一項期限25年的世界獨家許可轉讓技術的25%股權;Nucoal Resources NL (ASX:NCR) (PINK:NCKLF)今天公佈了Doyles Creek項目的最新進展;澳洲資源和投資公司Cape Lambert Resources Limited (ASX:CFE) 欣然宣布Mayoko鐵礦石項目首批九個金剛石鑽孔中的八個的分析結果。
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