Austpac Resources Nl


 Austpac Resources is a minerals technology company focussed on the titanium, steel and iron ore industries. It has been listed on the Australian stock exchange since 1986. Austpac's key technology transforms ilmenite into high-grade synthetic rutile, a preferred feedstock for titanium dioxide pigment production. The technology can also be used to process waste chloride solutions and iron oxides produced by steel making to recover hydrochloric acid and iron metal pellets. A third process can be used to produce Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) from both hematite and magnetite iron ores. 



2010年9月13日澳洲股市:Arafura Resources (ASX:ARU)成功生產出商業質量的分離稀土氧化物

🕔9/13/2010 1:30:42 PM 15724

2010年9月13日澳洲股市報告包括:Arafura Resources (ASX:ARU)成功生產出商業質量的分離稀土氧化物;ABM Resources NL (ASX:ABU) 今天宣布Buccaneer金斑岩遠景區最佳金礦段;Leighton Holdings Limited (ASX:LEI)的全資子公司已得到一份2.76億澳元的海上施工合同;Austpac Resources N. L (ASX:APG) 已經與CMC Cometals Australia 簽訂一份有關原料供應的協議。


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