Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited is a world leader in developing solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology which can provide reliable, energy efficient, high-quality, and low-emission electricity from widely available natural gas and renewable fuels. CFCL is developing SOFC products for small-scale on-site micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) and distributed generation units that co-generate electricity and heat for domestic use. CFCL is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market and the Australian Securities Exchange (code CFU).
Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited
2011年11月4日亞洲活動報告:Gascoyne Resources Limited (ASX:GCY)公佈其全資所有的西澳Glenburgh項目的更多出色鑽探結果;Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited (ASX:CFU)通過一次機構配股和麵向英國現有私人投資者的股票認購而籌得590萬澳元;MHM Metals Limited (ASX:MHM)已拿到其第一份海外加工合約,這份合約為MHM的第一家美國鹽渣和黑渣加工廠提供原料;Magna Mining NL (ASX:MAN)已收到正式確認,批准俄羅斯遠東的錫銅金尾礦可進行經濟開發。
昨夜,受好於預期的企業財報和經濟數據的鼓舞,華爾街反彈上揚。今天上午,澳洲股市開盤上揚。 S&P/ASX200指數上漲0.77%,綜合指數上漲0.74%。材料類股上漲0.9%,工業類股上漲0.7%,金融類股上漲0.6%。
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