Sedgman Ltd
Sedgman Limited (ASX:SDM) was established in 1979 and has become a leading provider of multi-disciplinary engineering, project delivery and operations services to the global resources industry. Specialising in the design, construction and operation of coal handling and preparation plants (CHPPs), Sedgman is recognised internationally for its coal processing and materials handling technologies. After listing on the ASX in June 2006, Sedgman expanded into the metalliferous sector in December 2006 with the acquisition of ore crushing and screening services provider Pac-Rim. In July 2007, Sedgman further expanded into this sector with the acquisition of minerals process engineering and project management company Intermet Engineering Pty Ltd. Sedgman's structure comprises two core divisions of Sedgman Coal and Sedgman Metals, encompassing the business units of Engineering Services and Operations. Based in Brisbane, the company has approximately 700 staff and a market capitalisation of approximately $450 million.

今天澳洲股市延續週五跌勢,早盤重挫。上週五由於對歐洲債務危機的新一輪恐懼,道瓊斯指數暴跌3.2%之後,本週一亞洲股市普遍低開。匈牙利首相發言人說匈牙利經濟有進入希臘式債務危機的危險。澳股基本指數S&P/ASX 200早盤下跌逾3%。
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