SORL Auto Parts, Inc., (NASDAQ:SORL) through its 90% ownership of the Ruili Group Ruian Auto Parts Co., Ltd., a sino-foreign joint venture (the Joint Venture), develops, manufactures and distributes automotive air brake valves and related components to automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and the related aftermarket both in China and internationally.
中國領先的太陽能單晶矽錠及矽片製造商 ─ 陽光能源控股有限公司 (「陽光能源」或「公司」,香港聯交所上市股份編號:757,臺灣存托憑證代號:9157TT) 執行董事兼總裁譚文華出任中國海外上市企業協會(以下簡稱「協會」)副會長,公司行政秘書邵榮斌出席了在北京好苑建國酒店隆重召開的中國海外上市企業協會暨第一屆理事會成立大會。
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