Specialty Fashion Group Limited (ASX:SFH) is a leading fashion retailer with more
than 800 stores in Australia and New Zealand. Specialty Fashion is Australia’s largest owner of women’s fashion stores with uniquebrands including, Autograph, Crossroads, City Chic, Katies, Miller’s and Queenspark. The group employs more than 5,000 staff and has one of the largest loyalty programs in Australia.
Specialty Fashion Group Limited
根據澳洲統計局的數據,澳洲建築審批數在11月增長到13,724 幢,經季節因素調整後,較10月份向上修正後的數字12,962幢增加了5.9%。儘管有澳儲行升息和逐步撤消政府首次購房者補貼的舉措,此結果仍好於市場預期。
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