Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc.
Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc. is producing and exporting gold from its Bong Mieu Gold Plant located in central Vietnam approximately 100 km from the port city of Da Nang. The company will continue to develop its core properties, Bong Mieu and the high-grade Phuoc Son Gold Property. Both properties are presently producing and have established NI 43-101 resources. Olympus' primary focus is to generate internal cash flow from increased gold production through its processing facility at Bong Mieu. These production goals will be achieved by toll treating high-grade Phuoc Son ore, improving our gold recovery and lowering productions costs. Proceeds from these efforts will be used for the further development of the Bong Mieu and Phuoc Son Gold Properties.

2011年2月23日澳洲股市包括:Origin Energy (ASX:ORG)宣布昆士蘭液化天然氣合資項目獲政府批准;ZYL Limited (ASX:ZYL)已簽署一份無約束力的諒解備忘錄,包銷南非Kangwane無菸煤項目生產的煤;Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc. (ASX:OYM) (TSE:OYM)已與一家越南公司簽訂煉製協議;Aviva Corporation Limited (ASX:AVA)公佈西非肯尼亞Bumbo基礎金屬項目鑽遇大量硫化礦。
2010年9月2日澳洲股市:Lynas Corporation (ASX:LYC)與日本簽訂稀土供貨協議;Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc. (TSX:OYM) (ASX:OYM) (OTCBB:OLYMF)將增持Bau黃金項目的控股權至93.55%;African Energy Resources Limited (ASX:AFR)將在博茨瓦納的Sese煤項目開始資源界定鑽探;Sylvania Resources Limited (ASX:SLV)將擁有Sylvania Dump Operations 100%股權。
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