CESC is a fully integrated power utility with its operation spanning the entire value chain: right from mining coal, generating power, transmission and distribution of power. We serve 2.3 million customers within 567 square kilometers of Kolkata and Howrah, delivering safe, cost-effective and reliable energy to our consumers. Even after 100 years of service, we still feel younger than ever.
CESC Limited
BOM:500084 ISIN:INE486A01013
负责京都议定书的联合国机构执行秘书 Yvo de Boer 博士刚刚确定,他们的核证及项目评估单位将派出一名代表前往中国会晤碳买家和卖家,这是业界在出席哥本哈根气候变化谈判,确定对即将在 2012 年到期的目前协议的继任协议前的最后会唔机会。
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