Jindal Steel & Power Limited
BOM:532286 ISIN:INE749A01030
Jindal Steel & Power Limited is a sponge iron manufacturer in India. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009 (fiscal 2009), the Company produced 12, 48,511 metric tons of sponge iron; 16,143 metric tons of ferro chrome; 15,78,790 metric tons of semi-finished steel product and 9,98,205 metric tons of finished steel. Raipur Unit produced 937 metric tons of MS ingots, 1964 metric tons of casting and has done machining of 4,210 metric tons during 2009. The production of calibrated iron ore at captive mine at Tensa in Orissa was 1,042,000 metric tons. Its subsidiaries include Jindal Power Limited; Jindal Minerals & Metals Africa Limited; Jindal Steel & Power (Mauritius) Limited; Jindal Steel Bolivia SA and Chhattisgarh Energy Trading Company Limited. Jindal Petroleum Limited, through its subsidiary Jindal Petroleum (Georgia) Limited, acquired five oil and gas blocks from Ministry of Energy of Georgia in the state of Georgia during fiscal 2009.

今天上午亞洲股市開盤走高。由於商品價格上漲,以及中國承諾繼續保持有助於將世界經濟拉出衰退的政策,2009年的最後一天亞洲股市在清淡交易中上漲。2009年香港恆生指數的年漲幅為52%,澳大利亞的S&P/ASX 200 指數年漲幅為31%,新加坡股指一年上漲65%。但華爾街在2009年的最後交易日下跌。 2009年道指仍然較2007年的高點低26%。
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