New Guinea Energy Ltd (NGE) is engaged in exploration for oil and gas in Papua New Guinea. The Company owns 100% of six granted Petroleum Prospecting Licenses (PPLs 265, 266, 267, 268, 269 and 277) covering an area (in aggregate approximately 52,810 square kilometers or approximately 13,049,635 acres) of oil and gas prospective acreage in the foreland and foldbelt structural terrains of the western and southern highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The Company’s subsidiaries include Engelberg Limited, Kingsbury Limited, Kirkland Limited, Ladysmith Limited, NGE Administration Limited, Roebuck Limited and Taylor Limited.
New Guinea Energy Ltd
2011年9月19日亞洲活動報告:Alkane Resources Limited (ASX:ALK)已完成新南威爾士州的Dubbo氧化鋯項目的最終可行性研究;New Guinea Energy Limited (ASX:NGE)今天報告其位於巴布亞新幾內亞的Siphon-1號濕氣井已抵達3863.7米的深度;Lemur Resources Limited (ASX:LMR)已與Jiro sy Rano Malagasy簽署一份諒解備忘錄;ActivEX Limited (ASX:AIV) 公佈在Barambah項目鑽遇更多重要金銀礦體;Time Technoplast Limited(BOM:532856)將在2012年第一季度末在馬來西亞啟動其工業包裝項目。
由於分析師上調了對美國經濟增長前景的預測,週五華爾街攀升至2009年新高點。在巴克萊資本(Barclay Capital)對美國明年前三個月的GDP增長率從3%調升至5%後,市場受到鼓舞。道瓊斯指數本週上漲215點。
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