SAPPORO HOLDINGS LIMITED is a Japan-based holding company that is active in four business segments. The Alcohol segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of beer, sparkling liquor, domestic wine, brandy, distilled spirit and other alcoholic beverages. The Beverage segment manufactures and sells beverages, and sells drinking water through vending machines. The Restaurant segment is involved in the operation of beer halls and restaurants. The Real Estate segment is engaged in the operation and management of YEBISU GARDEN PLACE, a complex facility that consists of offices, housing, restaurants, and commercial and cultural facilities, as well as a commercial and amusement complex facility under the name SAPPORO FACTORY. This segment also operates sports facilities. The Company has 43 subsidiaries and 13 associated companies.
Sapporo Holdings Limited
TYO:2501 ISIN:JP3320800000
123,963 公司背景瀏覽
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