China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited is an investment holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of dairy products in the People's Republic of China (PRC). The Company's products include liquid milk products, such as ultra-high temperature milk (UHT) milk, milk beverages and yogurt, ice cream and milk powder.
HKG:2319 ISIN:KYG210961051
中國最大的羽絨服企業 — 波司登國際控股有限公司(「波司登」或「公司」,股份編號:HKG:3998,連同其附屬公司「集團」)於2009年8月8日摘下兩項殊榮,在第三屆中國品牌節品牌中國「華譜獎」頒獎晚會上,波司登榮獲「華譜獎」之一的「成熟穩健的常勝將軍」稱號,同時獲中國紡織工業協會選為「2008-2009年度服裝行業競爭力10強」。
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