Delta Air Lines, Inc.
NYSE:DAL ISIN:US2473617023
Delta Air Lines, Inc. (Delta) is an airline service provider. The Company from its hubs in Atlanta, Cincinnati, Detroit, Memphis, Minneapolis-St. Paul, New York-JFK, Salt Lake City, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Amsterdam and Tokyo-Narita, Delta, its Northwest subsidiary and Delta Connection carriers, offers service to 370 destinations in 66 countries and serve more than 170 million passengers each year. Delta also offers a number of products specifically designed for everything from small businesses to corporate enterprise. The Company’s marketing alliances allow customers to earn and redeem either SkyMiles or WorldPerks on more than 16,000 daily flights offered by SkyTeam and other partners. Delta offers flights to 567 worldwide destinations in 112 countries. It offers a full global network. Customers can check in for flights, print boarding passes, check bags and flight status at delta.com.

週四澳洲股市連續第五日下跌,儘管出台的勞動力報告好於預期。領跌的是資源股和非必須消費品。收盤時,基準指數S&P/ASX200 下跌31.2 點, 或0.7%, 報4606.7 點; 綜合指數下挫29.7 點, 或0.6%, 報4622.9 點。
維珍藍航空集團(Virgin Blue)(ASX:VBA)今天發表聲明回應市場傳聞說,維珍藍留意到關於公司可能進行籌資、引入基石投資者和任命了投行作為承銷商的報導,這些信息皆不正確。根據現在的微觀經濟環境,維珍藍認為資金管理計劃是適當的,但是董事會尚未同意這樣的交易。
澳洲股市昨天收市平淡,交易者對經濟前景持慎重態度。基本指數S&P/ASX200上漲1點,,或0.03%,報3767.9點,綜合指數下跌1.8點,或0.05% ,報3766.0點。今天投資者將關注澳洲統計局發布的失業率數據。
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