Laox CO., LTD. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the merchandising business. The Company operates in three business segments. The Merchandising segment operates electronic stores, which offer household electronics and appliances, information equipment, music instruments, hobby-related products, software and others. The Real Estate Leasing segment is engaged in the real estate leasing business. The Others segment is involved in the insurance agency business, the recycling of secondhand golf products and books, as well as the operation of telecommunication agencies. The Company has six subsidiaries.
Laox Co.,Ltd.
TYO:8202 ISIN:JP3967000005
2011年12月19日亞洲活動報告:NTT Data (TYO:9613)計劃2012年1月下旬在中國北京開始一個真實環境試驗項目;日立(TYO:6501)與方正集團(SHA:600601)已簽訂一份合作協議,向中國市場提供軟件運營雲計算技術;中國家電零售企業蘇寧電器(SHE:002024)的子公司、日本電子零售公司Laox Co., Ltd. (TYO:8202)將於2011年12月31日開設其第一家在華商店;中國互聯網信息中心(中國網與中國移動多媒體廣播控股有限公司(HKG:0471)已簽署一份全球性多媒體服務合作協議。
據悉,Laox (TYO:8202)已經同意通過一次私人配股,成為中國零售巨頭蘇寧電器(SHE:002024)的附屬公司。 Laox將在周三的董事會上做出通過一項私人配售發行約15億元人民幣的新股的決定。
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