Carnegie Clean Energy Ltd
Carnegie Clean Energy Limited is an Australian, ASX-listed (ASX:CCE) wave energy, solar energy and battery storage project developer. Carnegie is the 100% owner and developer of the CETO Wave Energy Technology intellectual property and is also 100% owner of leading Australian battery/solar microgrid Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) company Energy Made Clean (EMC). EMC specialises in the delivery of mixed renewable energy microgrid projects to islands and remote and fringe of grid communities. Carnegie is the only company in the world to offer a combination of wave, solar, wind, battery storage and desalination via microgrids which are ideally suited to islands, off grid communities and fringe of grid locations. Within Australia, Carnegie delivers its solar energy and battery storage projects via a joint venture between Energy Made Clean and multinational property and infrastructure company Lendlease (ASX:LLC).

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