Furukawa Electric Company Limited
Furukawa Electric Company Limited (Tse: 5801) (OTC: FUWAY) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of electric wires and cables, and optical fibers. Furukawa makes products ranging from automotive, architectural, and communications wiring to batteries, sheet metal, and semiconductor materials. Furukawa Electric's nonferrous metal products (aluminum and copper rod, sheet, and wire) make up more than a third of sales, while its telecommunication segment (optical fibers, optical-fiber cable, and superconductive wire) accounts for around 28% of sales. Furukawa Electric, which is developing interactive cable systems that use optical fibers, acquired Lucent Technologies' Optical Fiber Division in 2001. The company has some 85 subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide.

2012年2月7日亞洲活動報告:中國領先的多晶矽和矽片供貨商、一流環保電力企業保利協鑫能源控股公司(HKG:3800)已與美國最大的光伏項目發展商之一NRG Solar組建合資公司Sunora Energy Solutions 1 LLC (簡稱"Sunora"),進軍美國市場,雙方在合資公司中各佔50%股份;和記黃埔有限公司(HKG:0013)表示,其附屬公司Hutchison 3G Austria (簡稱"3 奧地利")已簽署一項具約束力的協議,收購Orange Austria的全部股權,成為奧地利市場的第三大移動電話供應商;日本古河電工(TYO:5801)已收購設在美國的第二代高溫超導線纜生產商SuperPower Inc;東京電子株式會社(TYO:8035)計劃2012年4月1日在新加坡建立全資子公司Tokyo Electron Singapore PTE Ltd.。
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