Little Sheep Group Limited

Little Sheep Group Limited is a full-service restaurant chain operator in the People’s Republic of China. The Company specializes in Mongolian-style hot pot cuisine with a signature menu, which is characterized by the Company’s aromatic soup base and Mongolian lamb specialties. Its menu also offers a selection of appetizers, main dishes and desserts to complement its hot pot offerings. It also sells a range of fresh and dry food products, including lamb, soup base and seasoning products, to wholesale distributors for retail sales in hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores. The Company owns and operates two lamb processing facilities in Inner Mongolia. As of March 31, 2008, it had 94 Company-owned and 240 franchise restaurants in the People's Republic of China, as well as nine Company-owned and seven franchise restaurants in the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, and overseas in Japan, the United States, Canada and Indonesia. 




🕔1/9/2012 1:00:25 PM 13845

2012年1月9日亞洲活動報告:小肥羊餐飲連鎖有限公司(HKG:0968)表示,其股東已批准美國快餐公司百勝餐飲集團(NYSE:YUM)提出的收購要約;中石化冠德控股有限公司(HKG:0934)已簽署協議,從Concord HK手中收購位於阿聯酋的Fujairah石油集輸基地(簡稱"FOT")的50%權益;日立公司(NYSE:HIT) (TYO:6510)表示,該公司將硬盤驅動器業務轉移給Western Digital Corporation (NYSE:WDC)的交易預計可在2012年3月份之前完成;日本軟件開發公司Celartem Technology Inc. (JSQ:4330)已簽署一份參與北京新能源產業基地的智能微網項目的合約;武田藥品有限公司(TYO:4502)表示,該公司正在與大阪大學合作,為納米微粒疫苗的實際應用和商業化開發一個平台。



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