Banco Santander SA is a Spain-based financial group principally engaged in the banking sector. Its business is structured in three areas: Continental Europe, comprising the operations of Santander Network in Spain, Banco Espanol de Credito SA, Santander Consumer Finance SA, Santander Totta SA and Banco Banif SA, which together cover the businesses of retail and wholesale banking, asset management and insurance in Europe; United Kingdom, including the operations of Abbey National Plc, a retail banking institution, and Latin America, focusing on the activities performed by its subsidiaries and affiliates established in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Colombia. The Bank’s services and products include saving and current accounts, fixed-term deposits, loans, mortgages, debit and credit cars, pension plans and other banking operations processing services to business and individuals.
Banco Santander, S.A.
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