3D Oil Limited is an Australia-based company engaged in the production and development of upstream oil and gas. The Company is a 100% equity holder and operator of the VIC/P57 permit on the Northern Margin of the Gippsland Basin. It has also acquired a 100% interest in the Bass Basin permit T41-P. 3D Oil Limited has also acquired 2200 kilometer of two dimensional (2D) seismic data. The T41-P permit covers 2805 square kilometers in the eastern Bass Basin.
3D Oil Limited
力拓公司與日本的新日本製鐵公司(Nippon Steel)達成了好於預期的鐵礦石價格協議,受此影響,昨天澳洲股市揚升。基本指數S&P/ASX 200上漲50.5點,或1.4%,報3788.4點,綜合指數上漲46.3點,或1.2%,報3781.6點。
澳洲股市上週五收市下跌。根據CMC Markets,澳洲市場進一步走低,並且在國內外不利經濟消息的影響下在下跌領域徘徊。 S&P/ASX200指數下跌43點,或1.35%,報3145.5;綜合指數跌37.1點,或1.18%,報3111.7。在上一周內ASX200指數總共損失6%,綜合指數減5.7%。上週的波動是受到美國的進展和中國的新刺激計劃傳聞影響。今天市場已經由於大宗商品價格上漲而得到支撐。
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