OM Group, Inc.

OM Group, Inc. is a diversified global developer, producer and marketer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials that are essential to complex chemical and industrial processes. The Company is the refiner of cobalt and producer of cobalt-based specialty products, and the producer of electroless nickel plating chemistry for memory disk applications. The Company is organized in to two segments: Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials. The Specialty Chemicals segment will consist of the electronic chemicals, ultra pure chemicals, photomasks and advanced organic product line groupings. The Electronic Chemicals product line grouping will include the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) business. The Advanced Materials segment will consist of the Inorganics product line grouping and the DRC smelter operations. On March 1, 2007, the Company completed the sale of its Nickel business. On October 1, 2007, the Company completed the acquisition of Borchers GmbH. 




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