Weichai Power Company Limited

HKG:2338 ISIN:CNE1000004L9

Weichai Power Company Limited is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of diesel engines, related parts, automobiles and other automobile components, minor automobile components and import and export services. The divisions of the Company are manufacturing and sales of diesel engines and related parts (diesel engines), manufacturing and sale of automobiles and major automobile components other than diesel engines (automobiles and other major automobile components), manufacturing and sale of non-major automobile components (non-major automobile components), and provision of import and export services (Import and export services). The product lines of the Company are selling of diesel engines, heavy-duty trucks, heavy-duty gear box, and engine and heavy-duty truck parts. 




🕔1/11/2012 1:00:45 PM 13562

2012年1月11日亞洲活動報告:濰柴動力(HKG:2338) (SHE:000338)已同意投資3.74億歐元,收購世界最大的豪華遊艇製造商、意大利的法拉帝集團75%的控股權; Prada SpA (HKG:1913)表示將投資4000萬歐元資助Luna Rossa遊艇參加第34屆美洲杯帆船賽;日本國際石油開發帝石公司(TYO:1605)已簽署幾份協議,出售該公司的Ichthys液化天然氣合資項目生產的液化氣;松下公司(TYO:6752) (NYSE:PC)已成功開發出一種20英寸4K2K (分辨率3,840 x 2,160, 約829萬像素) 的IPS Alpha LCD液晶面板;日本電產株式會社(TYO:6594) (NYSE:NJ)已在中國上海建立一家新的子公司,名為日電產(上海)管理有限公司。


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