Brambles Limited (ASX:BXB) (OTCMKTS:BXBLY) under the CHEP brand, helps move more goods to more people, in more places than any other organisation on earth. Its pallets, crates and containers form the invisible backbone of the global supply chain and the world's biggest brands trust Brambles to help them transport their goods more efficiently, sustainably and safely. As pioneers of the sharing economy, Brambles created one of the world's most sustainable logistics businesses through the share and reuse of its platforms under a model known as 'pooling'. Brambles primarily serves the fast-moving consumer goods (e.g. dry food, grocery, and health and personal care), fresh produce, beverage, retail and general manufacturing industries. The Group employs approximately 13,000 people and owns approximately 347 million pallets, crates and containers through a network of more than 750 service centres. Brambles operates in approximately 60 countries with its largest operations in North America and Western Europe.
Brambles Limited
2011年11月3日亞洲活動報告:Morning Star Gold NL (ASX:MCO)已在其全資所有的維多利亞州東部金礦舊址內的Morning Star金礦重啟地下開採;Red Sky Energy Limited (ASX:ROG )已遞交在新南威爾士州東北部的Kanagaroo Creek砂岩天然氣發現地鑽Talma試驗井的申請;Brambles Limited (ASX:BXB) 宣布推出世界最大的聯合集裝設備(ULDs)和修理中心的獨立網絡" CHEP 航空解決方案";Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA)宣布Juomasuo金礦床的礦產資源量。
週四澳洲股市開盤略跌,未受華爾街積極帶動的影響。澳洲股市的焦點仍是企業財報。 S&P/ASX200 指數和綜合指數早盤均下跌0.1%。
今天澳洲股市延續週五跌勢,早盤重挫。上週五由於對歐洲債務危機的新一輪恐懼,道瓊斯指數暴跌3.2%之後,本週一亞洲股市普遍低開。匈牙利首相發言人說匈牙利經濟有進入希臘式債務危機的危險。澳股基本指數S&P/ASX 200早盤下跌逾3%。
世界最大的托盤運輸服務供應商Brambles (ASX:BXB)已看到其收益隨著全球經濟增長而恢復。該公司從中國和印度的增長中得益,在這些國家的新興業務銷售額已有提高。
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