Ssangyong Cement Industry Co., Ltd.

Ssangyong Cement Industry Co., Ltd. is a Korean company involved in the manufacture of cement and allied products. The Company manufactures, develops and distributes cement, ready mixed concrete and other cements for special applications. The Company’s cement products consist of portland cement, including ordinary cement, moderate-heat cement, high-early strength cement, low-heat cement and sulfate resistance cement; blended cement, such as slag cement and ternary blended cement; specialty cement, including super high-early strength cement, ultra super early strength cement, micro-cement, geocrete and non-crack cement, and cement mortar and other related products. Its ready mixed concrete products are comprised of ordinary type such as high strength ready mixed concrete, and specialty type such as underwater concrete and sulfate-resistant concrete. It also provides petroleum products including gasoline, and aggregate, which is used for manufacturing cement and others.  




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