GAIL (India) Limited

BOM:532155 ISIN:INE129A01019

GAIL (India) Limited operates through segments, including natural gas, petrochemicals, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) transmission and other liquid hydrocarbons, exploration and production and coal bed methane and telecommunications. It owns and operates a network of over 7000 kilometers of natural gas high pressure trunk pipeline. It owns and operates a gas-based integrated petrochemical plant at Pata, Uttar Pradesh with a capacity of producing 410,000 tons per annum. It has seven LPG plants in India. It has participating interest in three coal bed methane blocks with an area of 1561 square kilometers, two of which are in Chattisgarh and one in Jharkhand. The Company's telecom business unit, GAILTEL has approximately 13,000 kilometers network. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008, the Company completed a pipeline project from Dahej to Dabhol through Panvel to supply gas to RGPPL. Its subsidiaries include GAIL Gas Limited, GAIL Pte. Limited, and Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd. 



2011年10月4日亞洲活動報告:Sheffield Resources (ASX:SFX)在西澳發現高品位滑石資源

🕔10/4/2011 12:00:04 PM 9466

2011年10月4日亞洲活動報告:大宗礦產品勘探公司Sheffield Resources Limited (ASX:SFX)今天宣佈在西澳Moora滑石帶項目的鑽探獲得高品位滑石結果;Lochard Energy Group Plc (ASX:LHD)今天表示在英國北海區塊14/26b的Thunderball勘探區進行的重新繪圖工作已辨識出更多可採資源;Phoenix Gold Limited (ASX:PXG) 宣布了最近在其西澳Broads Dam金礦項目完成的鑽探工作的結果;NSL Consolidated Ltd (ASX:NSL)今天公佈其投資230萬美元的印度鐵礦石選礦項目已進入施工階段;GAIL (India) Ltd (BOM:532155)最近已在美國收購第一筆頁岩氣資產。



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