China Hydroelectric Corporation is a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) formed to serve as a vehicle for the acquisition of hydroelectric assets through a merger, amalgamation, share capital exchange, scheme of arrangement, share or asset purchase or similar transaction with one or more operating companies, expected to be in the People's Republic of China, and after such an acquisition, the development of greenfield projects to generate hydroelectric power. The Company's nominated adviser is Seymour Pierce Limited.

預計亞洲股市在華爾街重挫之後將下跌。週五日本的日經平均指數跌3.1% ,下滑原因是經濟前景不佳,以及東芝公司在虧損預測、評級下降、及其部分芯片業務或將合併的新聞的打擊下股價下挫。香港恆生指數收漲123.78點,或0.94%,報13278.21點。上海和深圳股票交易所已經在一周的中國春節假期之後開市。
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