Haier is the largest Consumer Electric Appliance maker in China and one of the World's leading Electric Home Appliance manufactures well respected both domestically and abroad. In the US market Haier has a 30% market share for 230 Liter and under sized refrigerators and a 35% US market share for refrigerators in the 230 to 280 Liter range. Further more Haier has a 10% market share in Europe's Air Conditioning market.
Haier Group Company
中國海爾集團(Haier Group)將收購新西蘭電器公司Fisher & Paykel Appliances (NZE:FPA)的20%股份,幫助海爾提高在全球市場上的增長。 F&P Appliances今天在發佈公告說,公司將授予海爾在中國銷售其家電產品的專賣權,而同時該公司也將在澳洲和新西蘭獨家銷售海爾產品。
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