Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd. is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of household electrical appliances. The Company primarily provides refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dishwashers, microwave ovens, gas stoves, washing machines and other household electrical appliances. The Company distributes its products under the brand name of Haier in China’s domestic market and to overseas markets. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company obtained approximately 39% and 35% of its total revenue from the sale of refrigerators and air conditioners, respectively. As of December 31, 2007, the Company had 10 major subsidiaries/associates.
Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.
SHA:600690 ISIN:CNE000000CG9
2012年1月6日亞洲活動報告:海爾集團(SHA:600690)與日本驪住集團已在中國青島建立一家合資公司,從事建材和住宅設備的製造和銷售;東京證券交易集團計劃與大阪證券交易所合併,已向日本公平貿易委員會遞交通知;高絲株式會社(TYO:4922)成功開發出了"廣譜防曬化妝品",這種化妝品已證明除了可以有效防護皮膚不被曬傷和曬黑之外,還可防止光敏性皮炎的加重;三菱商事株式會社(TYO:8058)與印度化肥生產企業Zuari Industries Limited (BOM:500780)已成立一家合資企業,投資秘魯的磷礦資產。
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