Straits Asia Resources Limited
SIN:AJ1 ISIN:SG1U11932563
Straits Asia Resources Limited (Straits Asia) is primarily engaged in thermal coal mining at the Sebuku coal operation located on Sebuku Island, South Kalimantan, and the Jembayan coal operation located in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Straits Asia produces thermal coal, which is sold to the various global markets, primarily around Asia. Other mining activities also include the provision of technical and commercial services to the Straits Resources Group for the management of its gold mine at Mt. Muro in Indonesia.

週一因商品價格走高驅動資源股上漲,澳洲股市開盤揚升,收盤時回落微跌。主要銀行和大宗消費品行業拖累了大盤。收盤時基準指數S&P/ASX200 下跌6.4 點, 或0.14%, 報4644.1點;綜合指數下跌6.1 點, 或0.13%, 報4665.8點。
澳洲股市連續第二天收盤平緩,儘管早盤在Babcock & Brown獲得銀行團“緩刑”的消息刺激下一度大漲。昨天S&P/ASX200指數收盤和前一天比幾乎沒有變化,僅下跌1.4點,報3542.4點;綜合指數收盤跌8.4點,跌幅為0.2%,報3468.1點。早盤指數升幅曾達2%。據估計,能源和礦業板塊股價可能會因商品價格降低和不樂觀的前景而繼續下跌,同時投資者對企業在短期內獲得債務再融資的能力的擔憂,可能會使其股票雪上加霜。
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