Hutchison Whampoa Ltd
HKG:0013 ISIN:HK0013000119
Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. (HK: 0013) is a Hong Kong-based multinational conglomerate with origins dating back to the 1800s. Hutchison is also part of the Li Ka-shing group of companies, which together represent about 15% of the total market capitalization of the Hong Kong stock market. In 2000, consolidated turnover (including associates) was over US$10 billion, and consolidated net profit was approximately US$4.4 billion. <BR /><BR />With approximately 100,000 employees worldwide, Hutchison operates five core businesses in 34 countries: ports and related services; telecommunications and e-commerce; property and hotels; retail and manufacturing; and energy and infrastructure.

2012年2月7日亞洲活動報告:中國領先的多晶矽和矽片供貨商、一流環保電力企業保利協鑫能源控股公司(HKG:3800)已與美國最大的光伏項目發展商之一NRG Solar組建合資公司Sunora Energy Solutions 1 LLC (簡稱"Sunora"),進軍美國市場,雙方在合資公司中各佔50%股份;和記黃埔有限公司(HKG:0013)表示,其附屬公司Hutchison 3G Austria (簡稱"3 奧地利")已簽署一項具約束力的協議,收購Orange Austria的全部股權,成為奧地利市場的第三大移動電話供應商;日本古河電工(TYO:5801)已收購設在美國的第二代高溫超導線纜生產商SuperPower Inc;東京電子株式會社(TYO:8035)計劃2012年4月1日在新加坡建立全資子公司Tokyo Electron Singapore PTE Ltd.。
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