The principal aims and objectives of the Company have been to explore and to develop oil and gas, gold and other metal and mineral projects in which the Company holds varying levels of interest.
The Company has achieved some of these objectives during the year through its operations in the uranium sector in Australia and overseas and by examining a number of exploration projects in various parts of the world.
Southern Cross continues to seek opportunities to participate in exploration for metals and minerals, either in Australia or overseas, where the potential for commercial discoveries appears favourable.
Southern Cross Exploration Nl
Australian resources company GBM Resources (ASX:GBZ)宣布,已与隶属于江西省煤炭地质局的中国国有企业江西中部矿业有限公司(JCM)签订股份收购框架协议,确认江西中部矿业将战略投资GBM并成为合作伙伴。
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