Valence Industries Limited (ASX:VXL) is an industrial manufacturing company producing high grade flake graphite products for distribution and sale to global markets. Valence Industries owns established processing facilities and infrastructure to manufacture a wide range of graphite product lines for multiple applications and multiple industries. Valence Industries produces and sells its graphite products from its Uley Graphite facilities in regional South Australia for delivery to diversified markets for graphite in the Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.
Valence Industries
ACB News《澳华财经在线》报道,Valence公司完成与南澳环保局(EPA)和环境水土自然资源局(DEWNR)的磋商,于23日取得包括环保工作许可在内的一系列许可审批。南澳政府发展局(DSD)也同时批准了Valence公司环境保护与自然修复规划。至此重启Uley石墨加工厂的第一阶段生产的审批已全部完成。
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