Yancoal Australia Limited
Yancoal Australia Ltd is a listed public company (ASX:YAL) with a business focus on the Australian coal industry. The Company is one of the largest export coal miners in Australia, producing both thermal and metallurgical coals from its portfolio of mines located in Queensland and New South Wales. Group coal production is planned to grow over the next five years from a number of brownfield projects. A large reserve base, sufficient port allocation and a supportive majority shareholder, Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited underpin the Company's growth plans. Yancoal also manages on behalf of its majority shareholder an additional two mines located in Queensland and Western Australia.

ACB News《澳华财经在线》报道,澳大利亚收购委员会(ATO)15日判定,Yancoal资本重组计划的某些情形"不可接受",将允许兖州煤业参与次级资本债券(SCNs)认购,但不得提升股权比例。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》报道,三宏再生资源公司8日公告,与控股股东GRII财团达成一致,同意修改资本减缩计划"执行和融资协议"相关条款,GRII预计将在12月底前提供私有化所需的2400万澳元资金。消息公布以来,其澳交所股价连日飙升。
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