SHA:600261 ISIN:CNE0000013L2
ZHEJIANG YANKON GROUP CO., LTD (SHA:600261) is a China-based company principally engaged in the development, manufacture and distribution of lighting appliances. The Company's products consist of integrated electronic energy-saving lamps, T5 high-power energy-saving fluorescent lamps and related accessories, specialty lamps, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting equipment and others. The Company also provides electrical equipment, such as switches and sockets. It distributes its products in domestic and overseas markets, including Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and other areas.

中国清洁科技指数在整个5月期间从74.57上涨到74.68,升幅0.1%。同期NEX WilderHill 新能源全球创新指数上涨2.4%,CTIUS美国清洁科技指数上涨1.8%,上证综合指数升幅3.9%,MSCI全球指数亦上升0.1%。
中国清洁科技指数为在世界各地证券交易所上市的中国清洁科技行业的上市公司经营表现提供明确的衡量标准。 清洁科技行业细分为若干子行业(详情见下表)。每个子行业都拥有一批兼具环境和经济效益的企业。
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