SHE:002466 ISIN:CNE100000T32
Sichuan Tianqi Lithium Industries, Inc. (SHE:002466) is a China-based company principally engaged in the research, development, production and distribution of lithium products. The Company primarily provides industrial grade lithium carbonate, battery grade lithium carbonate and derived lithium products, among others. The Company's lithium products are mainly used in metallurgy, electronics, glass and ceramics, battery, rubber, medical treatment and other industries. The Company distributes its products in domestic and overseas markets. On March 13, 2014, Tianqi Group's stake in the Company decreased to 36.22% from 63.75%. On April 21, 2014, it acquired the entire share capital of Sichuan Tianqi Mining Co Ltd, a wholesaler of industrial chemicals and mining products and a wholly-owned unit of Tianqi Group.

中国清洁科技指数在整个1月期间从52.70上涨到53.27,升幅1.1%。同期NEX WilderHill 新能源全球创新指数下跌1.5%,CTIUS美国清洁科技指数下跌3.3%,上证综合指数下跌0.7%,MSCI全球指数下跌1.9%。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》报道,10月31日(周五)银河资源澳交所股价劲涨27%,报于0.038元,成交量高达1.2亿股,而其前五个交易日平均成交量仅仅为200万股。银河资源午后发布公告回应称,无未披露之事实可解释股价异动原因。澳华财经在线记者查阅其澳交所公告发现,银河资源本周并无任何更新,但10月21日曾就天齐锂业斥资2.3亿美元收购其江苏碳酸锂工厂的进展作出披露。
中国清洁科技指数在整个8月期间从43.01上涨到46.79,升幅8.8%。同期NEX WilderHill 新能源全球创新指数上涨5.9%,CTIUS美国清洁科技指数上涨2.7%,上证综合指数增长0.7%,MSCI全球指数亦上涨2.0%。
中国清洁科技指数为在世界各地证券交易所上市的中国清洁科技行业的上市公司经营表现提供明确的衡量标准。 清洁科技行业细分为若干子行业(详情见下表)。每个子行业都拥有一批兼具环境和经济效益的企业。
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