China Clean Energy Inc. (OTCMKTS:CCGY) through its wholly owned subsidiary, Fujian Zhongde Technology Co., Ltd., is engaged in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of biodiesel and specialty chemical products made from renewable resources. The Company is engaged in the synthesization and distribution of renewable fuel products and specialty chemicals to customers in both the People’s Republic of China and other countries.
中国清洁科技指数在2014年1月上扬1.3%,表现优于其四个对比指数中的三 个。中国清洁科技指数在整个一月从 44.37 上升到 44.93,上扬 1.3%。同期 NEX WilderHill 新能源全球创新指数上扬 3%,CTIUS 美国清洁科技指数下跌 5.8%,上证 综合指数下降 3.9%,MSCI 全球指数下跌 3.8%。
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