Pacific Basin Shipping Limited

Pacific Basin Shipping Limited (HKG:2343) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the provision of shipping related services. The Company operates its business in three divisions: dry bulk shipping, energy and infrastructure service, and roll on roll off (RoRo) vessel shipping. Its dry bulk shipping division provides cargo shipping services with handysize and handymax vessels. The energy and infrastructure service division provides towage services, which includes offshore and project supply and harbor towage services; Fujairah bulk shipping services, including aggregate production and transportation services, and marine services, such as ship survey and inspection services. Its RoRo vessel shipping division is engaged in the carriage of industrial and consumer products. 



2012年2月9日亚洲活动报告:太平洋航运集团有限公司(HKG:2343)结盟Crowley Maritime Corporation

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2012年2月9日亚洲活动报告:世界领先的现代灵便型和大灵便型干散货船运营商、全球多元化船运服务提供商太平洋航运集团有限公司(HKG:2343)与美国Crowley Maritime Corporation组成商业联盟;日本半导体生产厂商瑞萨电子公司(TYO:6723)为进一步扩展其南美地区业务,已在巴西圣保罗开设一间全资附属公司;日本生产汽车和工业制动器及相关部件的厂商曙光制动器工业株式会社(TYO:7238)宣布在墨西哥建立一座新的生产厂;尼康株式会社(TYO:7731)发布尼康D800 FX格式单反数码相机,这款相机具有令人瞩目的3630万有效像素。


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  • 7/F Hutchison Hse.
    10 Harcourt Road Central
    Hong Kong
  • 电话
  • +852-2233-7000 
  • 传真
  • +852-2865-2810 
  • 主要部门
  • 海上船舶科学 
  • 支柱产业
  • 工业 
  • 主页