Red Sky Energy Limited (ASX:ROG), is an Australian Listed Oil & Gas Acquisition and Development Company that acquires, drills and develops onshore North American Oil & Gas resources that can be produced conventionally using proven advanced technologies and developed best practice methods. Red Sky Energy's primary asset concentration is in Oil & Gas reserves in North America, focusing on cash-on-cash returns driven by a conservative valuation methodology and achieving operational efficiencies.
Red Sky Energy Limited
2011年11月3日亚洲活动报告:Morning Star Gold NL (ASX:MCO)已在其全资所有的维多利亚州东部金矿旧址内的Morning Star金矿重启地下开采;Red Sky Energy Limited (ASX:ROG)已递交在新南威尔士州东北部的Kanagaroo Creek砂岩天然气发现地钻Talma试验井的申请;Brambles Limited (ASX:BXB) 宣布推出世界最大的联合集装设备(ULDs)和修理中心的独立网络"CHEP 航空解决方案";Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA)宣布Juomasuo金矿床的矿产资源量。
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