New Standard Energy Limited


New Standard Energy Limited (ASX:NSE), formerly Hawk Resources Limited is an Australia-based company. The Company is engaged in the exploration for oil and gas in the Canning Basin in north-west Western Australia, and investment in onshore development in the Texas Gulf region, Southern United States. Its projects include Wilks Creek Project, Keppel Creek Project, Callie Soak Project and Mount McDonald North Project. New Standard holds 80% interest in the Callie Soak Tungsten Prospect, which is located approximately 40 kilometers west-northwest of Cue, Western Australia. The Company holds a 100% interest in exploration permit EPC 1070 (Mount McDonald North), which is located in the central Bowen Basin of Central Queensland, approximately 25 kilometers north-east of Emerald. 



2011年7月25日亚洲活动报告:Agri Energy Limited (ASX:AAE)在叙利亚开钻第一口井

🕔7/25/2011 12:00:03 PM 10287

2011年7月25日亚洲活动报告包括:Agri Energy Limited (ASX:AAE)在叙利亚开始钻探作业;Pan Pacific Petroleum NL (ASX:PPP) 公布对Tui油田储量所做的前期评估;ZYL Limited (ASX:ZYL) 宣布在Kangwane无烟煤项目钻遇更多重要煤矿体;Green Rock Energy Limited (ASX:GRK)增加其Canning盆地的碳氢化合物足迹;浦项制铁(SEO:005490) 和SK Innovation (SEO:096770)联合开发韩国的第一项煤转化技术;Inditex Group (MCE:ITX) 和Trent Limited (BOM:500251)已达成一项协议;Mahindra and Mahindra Limited (BOM:500520)已提出要约收购多达34,51,613股EPC Industries (BOM:523754)股份。


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