Gammon Infrastructure Projects Limited (BOM:532959) is an infrastructure development company formed primarily to develop, invest in and manage various initiatives in the infrastructure sector.
Gammon Infrastructure Projects Limited
2011年7月21日亚洲活动报告包括:Zenith Minerals Limited (ASX:ZNC)宣布Mount Alexander West探矿区提高勘探目标;Winmar Resources Limited (ASX:WFE)资源基础提高70%;Southern Cross Goldfields Limited (ASX:SXG) 报告在Python金矿床钻遇一系列近地表、高品位厚矿体;Cullen Resources Limited (ASX:CUL)已在其Canning盆地的煤矿权地开始一项5,000-10,000米的反循环钻探工作;Gammon Infrastructure ProjectsLimited (BOM:532959) 已完成Paradip 铁矿石终端项目财务结算。
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